



How to use automated calls for your business - 5 simple tips!

How to use automated calls for your business - 5 simple tips!

How to use automated calls for your business - 5 simple tips!

How to use automated calls for your business - 5 simple tips!

Automated Calls are a new experience for many customers, so any business deciding to use them should ideally let its customers know in advance. Take advantage of the marketing communications methods below to ensure a smooth start for your call robot and, in all likelihood, a warm reception when it calls.

1. Give your automated calling software a name and personality

Calling bots – are commonly considered to be somewhat abstract creatures that are difficult to understand. By giving your automated phone calling system a nice name and appearance – and adding a personalized approach with a friendly voice recording – you can instantly make the robocaller appear more human and much more approachable.

When it comes to Ontime's customers Lähi-Tapiola has named its calling bot Tuuttis, while Nooa Säästöpankki’s bot is called Ukko.

2. Make sure that your automated caller’s contact information is easily available 

It’s a good idea to create a dedicated landing page for the call bot on your company’s website, sort of its home den if you will, including its description.

Another important aspect to consider is - how easy it is for a search engine to find the number of your automated calling service bot so that anyone Googling it will find it at the top of the search results. You can improve this by advertising, for example, using Google Ads.

3. Encourage your customers to save the automated caller’s number

If you can get your customers to save the calling bot’s number, they will feel more secure and comfortable answering its calls. This will enhance the customer experience and improve your chances of getting hold of your customers.

4. Teach the calling bot to say that it’s an as automated call

The terms and conditions of Ontime state that a recipient of a call should never be fooled to believe that the caller is a human instead of a robot. Our customers use automated calling software most ethically. Their automated voice messenger always makes sure to communicate that they are robots right at the start of the call, along the lines of: “Hi, this is an automated call for you!”

5. Remember to provide your customers with other channels for communication

One size does not always fit all, and neither should an Automated Phone Calls system be your company’s only service channel. Multi-channel customer service is a must, both in terms of customer satisfaction and brand image. Plus when it's delivered with state of an art omnichannel experience, you can achieve the best results. A calling bot is a necessary addition to your communication channels based on your business requirements but also encourages human interaction as the situation demands. 

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We will personally introduce you to the opportunities of our platform Optimized.APP that is the best tool for optimizing the timing, the channel, and the content of your multichannel customer communication.

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We will personally introduce you to the opportunities of our platform Optimized.APP that is the best tool for optimizing the timing, the channel, and the content of your multichannel customer communication.